On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Does God Care About Injustice?

23Now it happened after a long time [about forty years] that the king of Egypt died. And the children of Israel (Jacob) groaned and sighed because of the bondage, and they cried out. And their cry for help because of their bondage The description of God in this passage (vv 23-25) attributes human qualities to God, including human emotions and ways of thinking or decision-making. It is meant to relate to a human point of view, without concern for a strict theological accounting of God’s nature. In reality, God is present everywhere, and is always aware of everything that has happened and will happen.ascended to God. 24So God heard their groaning and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel). 25God saw the sons of Israel, and God took notice [of them] and was concerned about them [knowing all, understanding all, remembering all].

Exodus 2:23-25 AMP

As I am reflecting on the current circumstances, and many events of the past that are similar if not identical, I feel the need to address an issue that is reoccurring among my people. The question of why God doesn’t punish people who wrong his people, commit injustices, and seem to get away with it every-time. George Floyd was murdered on 5/25/20 in Minneapolis, MN, Breonna Taylor was murdered during a “No Knock” search warrant on 3/13/20 in Louisville, Ky, and Ahmaud Arbery was murdered by “citizens” while running through a neighborhood in Brunswick, Ga on 2/23/20. These three situations are just a few in a long list of those that have occurred and gained national attention in the last 6 years; and each time we as a community ask ourselves why did it happen, will the murderers be properly arrested, prosecuted, charged AND convicted/sentenced, and will this be the last time? Each time a common thing happens, they either don’t get arrested at all, or they avoid charges, and we are left with the disappointment, sadness, and anger of a people that have once again been victimized and betrayed by a system that doesn’t work for us, and a God that doesn’t feel our pain, or hear our cries. I fall in the minority of our people that even in spite of our current and past pains/misfortunes, I steadfastly adhere to my faith and conviction that God hears my voice, feels my pain, and heals my brokenness. I used this verse from Exodus because I feel that the plight and situation of people of African descent is similar or almost the same as the Hebrews of the Bible, mainly because I feel that we are direct descendants of them (that’s another post). In Exodus, the bondage experienced by the Hebrews/Israelites is by no choice or error of their own, but rather a result of the Egyptians hatred AND mostly fear of them. It had been over 400 years since Joseph son of Israel (Jacob) had saved Egypt from a famine that would have surely killed most of the people and wrecked their economy. Because of God’s grace and favor that he had promised Isreal’s grandfather Abraham, he greatly blessed Joseph and the rest of Israel’s descendants who moved to and lived in Goshen in Israel (Genesis 40-Exodus 2). However we know that God’s favor breeds hatred and resentment from others, which was seen later in Egypt when a Pharoah arose who didn’t know or respect Joseph’s contribution to the country, and chose to enslave the Israelites/Hebrews out of fear that because of their larger population, strength, and abilities would one day defeat them in battle with their enemies. I say all of this to say that the slavery we were subjected to in America, Jim Crow laws, red lines, gentrification, broken schools systems, high incarceration rates, etc to a great degree is no fault of our own, but rather a device of the devil that people have chosen to carry out on his behalf. God is not unaware, deaf, blind, or numb to the pain that we as black people have AND are experiencing in America and worldwide. This text suggests that the sound of God’s people’s cries are heard by him, and their pain is felt by him, and he remembers the covenants and promises that he makes to his people. He has shown repeatedly that he is faithful: he allowed many of our ancestors to survive the Middle Passage/Transatlantic Slave Route, he allowed them to survive the harsh/inhumane conditions of slavery, the Jim crow era that involved lynchings, extrajudicial killings, assassinations, bombings, etc, and yet we are still alive AND well! My God hears you, feels you, AND sees you, and he will move on our behalf whether immediately or in due time. As mad as my people and I am at the events, we must understand that:

18If it is possible, as much as depends on you, Heb. 12:14live peaceably with all men. 19Beloved, Lev. 19:18do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, Deut. 32:35; Ps. 94:1; 1 Thess. 4:6; Heb. 10:30“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

Romans 12:18-19 NKJV

These verses are hard for me to accept oftentimes given that when you feel like you continually lose and can’t fight back, you want to at some point lash out for revenge. I’m beginning to understand and accept that my vengeance and form of payback would not be enough for the level of sin that these people are committing, and worse it would not heal the pain or feel the void that others and I feel. I would ask that my brothers and sisters who are hurting, saddened, scared, confused, and/or angry, that they would release these emotions to God who is the only one who can heal them and solve the problem. Be real with God, because he already knows where you’re at and what you feel, and I want to leave you with this verse, especially for those that may even feel like the issues we face are self inflicted or will never end

1“Now Lev. 26:40it shall come to pass, when Deut. 28:2all these things come upon you, the blessing and the Deut. 28:15–45curse which I have set before you, and Deut. 4:29, 30you call them to mind among all the nations where the Lord your God drives you, 2and you Deut. 4:29, 30; Neh. 1:9; Is. 55:7; Lam. 3:40; Joel 2:12return to the Lord your God and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul, 3Ps. 106:45; Jer. 29:14; Lam. 3:22, 32that the Lord your God will bring you back from captivity, and have compassion on you, and Ps. 147:2; Jer. 32:37; Ezek. 34:13gather you again from all the nations where the Lord your God has scattered you. 4Deut. 28:64; Neh. 1:9; Is. 62:11If any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under heaven, from there the Lord your God will gather you, and from there He will bring you. 

Deuteronomy 30:1-4 NKJV 

Reflection Time

Do you believe that God cares about your pain? Do you believe that God hears your prayers? Have an honest conversation with God, or at least write down your honest, raw thoughts/feelings. Release your concerns to God, and move forward in strength doing what God has led/called you to do.

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