On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Hindsight : 2020 Vision

This time last year many pastors, motivational speakers, and average joes were screaming that 2020 was going to be the year of vision and to most people it was everything BUT perfect. Almost immediately reports of coronavirus dominated the news and eventually the minds of everyone in America. Between safer-at-home orders, the shutdown of the entertainment industry, schools, etc. we all had to adjust to a reality that many of us never even imagined could happen. The year that may people looked forward to went up in flames before it even started, and many were left with no plan, and wounds that will remain forever. I would never want to negate the pain or realities that others experienced, but I would like to share that in the midst of chaos, I experienced the greatest year of my life; and I’m sure that after some time others will realize more victories from 2020 then they realized.

When I look back and assess 2020 for me, it was a special year where I accomplished some things that I don’t think I would have been able to do during a “normal” year. I must admit that as I said in an earlier post, the quarantine/stay-at-home was probably the key to my success because it created an environment for me where I could focus, and most importantly get AND remain in the presence of God. The separation from other people removed distractions, helped me to tune my ear to God’s voice, narrow my vision to real goals, and focus my energy on my assignment. Some of the things that God enabled me to do during 2020

  • Started this website and podcast: In April of 2020 I was looking through my journals/notebooks and looking at some of my writings from the past, and trying to determine the best way to share this information. I considered a devotional book, weekly email distribution, and book amongst other things and ultimately decided that it was best to put out the content for free. I wanted a way to share the things that God had placed on my heart, and my thoughts with people. I took several days and transferred my thoughts from paper to Google Docs and ultimately compiled these thoughts to create onthebanksofthejordan.com. Additionally I started Juxtaposed Moments podcast with a friend of mine where we talk about faith, life, and cultural issues amongst other things.
  • Health: My weight has been a constant struggle for me with the majority of my life being in the obese category. Oftentimes people would assume that I weighed alot less than I actually did, usually telling me that I “carry it well.” Given that I was turning 30 in 2020, I wanted to get to the healthiest and lowest weight of my adult life. I accomplished that during the 1st month of COVID while observing Lent, and running 4-6 miles daily to lose 30lbs by my birthday, and ultimately maintaining a total loss of 40lbs over the last 9 months of 2020. I adopted a mostly vegetarian diet (I still indulge in the “holy ghost bird” aka chicken) and stayed consistent with daily exercise which I plan to adopt as my lifestyle moving forward.
  • Relationships: I began the year listening to messages about relationships (both platonic and romantic) because I felt that it was the area in my life where I struggled the most. I felt that I didn’t have the right people in my life to understand my vision, or support it, and because of it I felt stagnant. I read Relational Intelligence (Dr. Dharius Daniels), Relationship Goals (Pastor Mike Todd), and listened to numerous sermons from them both. During the safer-at-home where I was able to create distance from people, God was able to reveal and introduce me to people who I could grow with. I shed some dead weight individuals, created bonds with some solid individuals who I continue to grow with, and even found love. Interestingly enough, a romantic relationship was the last addition of the year, but already the most rewarding of all mentioned above. I honestly don’t believe that I would have recognized my partner, or even have been in a position to treat her how she deserves, or receive love from her had I not addressed the other problematic areas of my life: pursuing my spiritual assignment, health, and properly managing platonic relationships.

Reflection Time

Hindsight is 2020, its clear to see the meaning of things, and what you should have done when looking in the rearview mirror. The pain or anger may still be too fresh, but I would hope that at some point you look back over the year and identify the wins as well as losses and what you can apply to the rest of your life. 2020 was the year of clear vision…..in hindsight.

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