On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

I need the God who is Here with Me

4Lord, you know what I want to say,
even before the words leave my mouth.
5You are all around me—in front of me and behind me.
I feel your hand on my shoulder.
6I am amazed at what you know;
it is too much for me to understand.
7Your Spirit is everywhere I go.
I cannot escape your presence.
8If I go up to heaven, you will be there.
If I go down to the place of death, you will be there.
9If I go east where the sun rises
or go to live in the west beyond the sea,
10even there you will take my hand and lead me.
Your strong right hand will protect me.
11Suppose I wanted to hide from you and said,
“Surely the darkness will hide me.
The day will change to night and cover me.”
12Even the darkness is not dark to you.
The night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are the same.
13You formed the way I think and feel.139:13 the way I think and feel Literally, “my kidneys,” which were thought to be the center of emotions.
You put me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalms 139:4-13 ERV

Oftentimes when we are suffering, we will ask ourselves the question; “Where is God?” Pain and disappointment can cause us to forget that we serve a God “who will never leave us nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5-9).” I love this passage in Psalms because David is having a personal conversation with God, where he is sharing his thoughts with God (who already knows them by the way). There is something special about being an transparent with a God who already knows what you’ve done, what you’re doing, and what you plan to do. For some this is scary, and they don’t like the idea that God allowed them to do wrong, or be done wrong by others. The idea that some of the pains/troubles they go through are a result of their own actions, and the improper actions of others that they may have played no role in. I sometimes struggle with the concept and reality that God allows me to make terrible choices and suffer the consequences without stepping in to prevent me from doing so, or immediately saving me from pain/troubles that I go through as a result. However, I take comfort in a different aspect of this dynamic, God’s omnipresence. God is many things, but this passage highlights several things: his omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence. Let’s look at these individually


4Lord, you know what I want to say,
even before the words leave my mouth.
6I am amazed at what you know;
it is too much for me to understand.
13You formed the way I think and feel.139:13 the way I think and feel Literally, “my kidneys,” which were thought to be the center of emotions.
You put me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalms 139:4,6,13

God knows EVERYTHING!!! Take a moment to understand this. He knows your heart, mind, desires, interests, sins, etc. He knows it all, even before you do. The wrong decision that you make, he knew you would do it before you even thought of it, but he choose to love you in spite of it, because he knows who he created you to be, and because he knows that his work is perfect and will accomplish that which he designed it to do, he chooses to love/trust is. Because he knows the real you, he is able to love you in spite of the things that you do that is out of character with what he designed you for. Because God knows everything about you, you are unable to hide anything from him. The silent treatment, one word answers or reply text messages, clap back comments, etc don’t work with God because he knows what you feel and think. The strength and freedom that you gain from being completely honest and vulnerable with God is like nothing else that you will every experience. When you trust him with your heart and mind, you will see the clarity, peace, and joy that is only found in God. David understood this concept better than anyone except Jesus (who was God in man form) which was reflected in his collection of poems (Psalms) which serve as personal letters and songs of worship between David and God.


Your strong right hand will protect me.
11Suppose I wanted to hide from you and said,
“Surely the darkness will hide me.
The day will change to night and cover me.”
12Even the darkness is not dark to you.
The night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are the same.

Psalm 139:10b-12 ERV

God has ALL power in his hands!! A song that we used to sing as children, “He’s got the whole world in his hand” may seem simple and elementary, but the concept is powerful. The realization that God has all power is not weak, but empowering when you accept that your father, the God who created, keeps, and loves you is able to do any and everything that you need him to do. When you are going through troubles/pains, it is not evidence that God has abandoned you, or is incapable of saving you, but rather it is an opportunity for you to use your faith, and rest in his strength knowing that he IS able to bring you out. David like us faced many troubles during his life; he was relegated to raising his father’s sheep alone, away from the presence and love of his father and siblings, he remained loyal to Saul even though Saul frequently tried to take his life while serving him in the palace and on the run from him later, he kept him when his own men wanted to take his life because the philistines had kidnapped their children and stolen their possessions (1 Samuel 30), he protected him when his son Absalom attempted to take the kingdom from him and waged war, and God even kept David when his self-initiated sins with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) and his illegal census of Israel (1 Chronicles 21) threatened to bring himself and others great harm. God has the power and desire to save us from even ourselves IF we allow him to do so. He is powerful with or without us, but OUR choices and faith allows him to show his power in our lives/situation.


7Your Spirit is everywhere I go.
I cannot escape your presence.
8If I go up to heaven, you will be there.
If I go down to the place of death, you will be there.
9If I go east where the sun rises
or go to live in the west beyond the sea,
10even there you will take my hand and lead me.

Psalm 139:7-10a, 

God is with you at all times, no matter where you are mentally, spiritually, or physically. As we’ve seen in this passage, you can’t hide your thoughts or emotions from an omniscient God, you are unable to overwhelm an omnipotent God, and you definitely can’t hide from an Omnipresent God. God’s omnipresence is very important because he has an ability and desire to be with you at all times…..if you allow him to. God’s presence may not always be felt, but one can trust that as long as they believe and give him the authority, he will be there with them. You may not be able to run and hide from God, but through your heard-heart or head, and disbelief you can prevent him from entering and solving your issues. David had an important realization that God isn’t just omnipresent, but he is also able and willing to join us in our mess to lead us out of it. David realizes that no matter his position, when he allows God into his situation, God will enter and if not change the situation, then bring us out of it. I would suggest you read Daniel chapters 3 & 6 for examples of situations where God intervenes in the midst. I personally think that it is important to realize and appreciate not only the God who can save/prevent us from harm/pain, but more importantly the God who will enter the pit, furnace, valley, or river/sea with you to sustain you until the process is over/complete. Since God gives us freewill, he will not override our bad decisions, AND there are always consequences for our sins, BUT we serve a God who gives forgiveness AND grace that covers our sins, and allows us to be reconnected to a God who desires for us to be connected to him. I NEED the God who will be with me in spite of my bad decisions and sins, but still hear and respond to my cries for help. David throughout his life experienced a God that is faithful to those who believe in him, and because David had a heart for God, God rewarded him with his presence AND provisions.

Reflection Time

Do you feel the presence of God? Do you believe that he will never leave nor forsake you? What causes you to not feel the presence of God? Have you accepted God’s omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence? What do you need from God?

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