On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Jordan, Where Have you been? Pt 3: You Don’t belong Anymore

What do you do when you don’t fit or belong anymore? If it was just clothes I’d buy a new wardrobe (which I must do as a result of my recent weight loss), if it was a seat or small space then I would switch places, but what happens when you realize that your surroundings and the people included no longer can give you what you need? I have been in several group gatherings recently with people that I was familiar with before the COVID shutdown, but spent more time with as the quarantine limited travel and normal social settings. Surprisingly I have interacted more consistently with people since the quarantine started, and somewhat enjoyed the interactions given my reclusive nature. As time has passed I have been reminded why I never really connected with most of the individuals in the first place, its because I wasn’t supposed to. I believe that in our journey through life, God strategically places people along our path that are either meant to accompany us for a segment of the walk, or merely as temporary encouragement to provide motivation to keep going. Of all the people that I’ve met here in Huntsville, I’d say that there is possibly 3 people that I met for the purpose of walking the journey with me, and the rest were meant for the moment as teaching and/or training for events that I’ll encounter later. Sometimes I think that God opens our eyes to realize we don’t belong, or see the truth in others so that we won’t allow ourselves to be derailed from our journey, or slowed down carrying or dragging along individuals that aren’t meant to go with us. Let me be clear that I don’t have beef with the individuals that I have outgrown, only that I realize that I have to be intentional about focusing on my journey/assignment and no longer spend valuable energy on those not meant for that investment. I feel that the realization that I don’t belong among most of the people and settings that I have operated in since being here is meant as fuel for me to make the necessary moves to continue on in the marathon. When you no longer fit, it is important that you don’t shrink yourself to fit back into a place that you’ve outgrown, or lay down where you were only meant to sit.

Reflection Time

Do you still fit where you’re at? Have you ever refused to grow, or make the necessary changes to reach the next level in your journey? Assess your situation, and pray about it to see if it’s time to move if you’re feeling stagnation or lost of motivation. If God is telling you that you need to stay where you are, are you willing to do the work that he’s called you to do there?

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