On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Ninety-Nine And A Half Won’t Do! Pt 2.5 – Jacob II

23 After he had sent them across, he also sent across all that he owned, 24 but he stayed behind, alone. Then a man came and wrestled with him until just before daybreak. 25When the man saw that he was not winning the struggle, he hit Jacob on the hip, and it was thrown out of joint. 26The man said, “Let me go; daylight is coming.” “I won't, unless you bless me,” Jacob answered. 27“What is your name?” the man asked. “Jacob,” he answered. 28  The man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob. You have struggled with God and with men, and you have won; so your name will be Israel.” 29  Jacob said, “Now tell me your name.” But he answered, “Why do you want to know my name?” Then he blessed Jacob. 

Genesis 32:23-29 GNT

After writing Part 2 in this series, the Holy Spirit laid more on my heart concerning this passage of scripture that I have to share with you. I personally believe that ALL scripture is inspired by God, and reveals either the character of God, or man. During the past week I have been pondering on this scripture because there is so much going on here that we would do good to fully unpack.

In society there is a current craze going on surrounding the idea of deconstruction and religion/faith. I personally don’t have a problem with deconstuction, and I believe that each person should do some healthy detangling between what they were taught, what they believe, and what God actually says. When it comes to God and the Bible, deconstruction must begin and end with God’s word, and the Holy Spirit which reveals all truth. Now what does that have to do with the passage above? Jacob to this point had a very interesting life, that was filled with struggle and negative experiences, underneath God’s blessings and provision. Jacob like many of us had an extraordinary ability to dwell on the negatives while missing God’s presence, and blessing in the midst of our negative experiences. I’d like to show you in the text what can happen when you have a true encounter with God, and you deconstruct with him.

Christophany – an old testament appearance of Christ in human form


I believe that the key passage for the post is not Jacob encountering an angel during the night, but that Jacob actually encountered Jesus in the physical. I believe that Jesus chose to show up on this night because Jacob was at a crossroads in life both physically and spiritually. Physically he had his uncle Laban behind him, his brother Esau in front of him, and two directions that he could’ve have taken if he wanted to avoid running into them both. However Jesus wasn’t here because of that, instead he was here because Jacob was at a crossroads spiritually. Jacob was leaving the pagan practices that Laban, and his own wives had practiced in the land, he was about to enter the land of the Canaan, where the various groups of people who lived there engaged in all types of pagan worship; not to mention his brother Esau who had chosen to marry women who followed other gods. Jesus was here because his father, God, had made a promise to Jacob’s grandfather Abraham that he would bless his descendants, and that a savior would come from his lineage. This blessing was extended to Abraham’s son Isaac, and then ultimately to Jacob. Jesus was here because Jacob’s obedience and faith in God was directly tied to his own purpose later. What Jesus saw was a man in need of a faith boost, and looking for a God who had been taught to him, visited him in the past, but who had ultimately been absent during his troubles over the past 20 years and other times of adversity in life. The scripture says that a man came and wrestled with him until just before daybreak. In part 1 I said that night and daybreak were symbolic for the spiritual season that Jacob was in. For 20 years he had experienced a separation or absence of God where he had been manipulated, exploited, and cheated by Laban. He was in the center of a sibling rivalry between his two wives, and even endured with Rachel while they experienced fertility issues. These experiences could only mean that God was no longer with him. I believe that Jesus showed up knowing all the troubles and questions Jacob had. Jesus had heard Jacob’s prayers, he had seen his tears, he had felt his anger, and knew the fears that Jacob didn’t have the words to articulate. It was for this purpose that Jesus showed up, and humbled himself to allow a sinful man to wrestle with him all night. I believe that in the beginning of the fight Jacob exerted maximum strength and effort, he threw wild haymakers, and struggled with Jesus with a fierce tenacity, while angrily making comments such as: why did you allow my brother to be born with the first son birthright that he didn’t even appreciate, why did my father love my brother more than me, why you allow my uncle Laban to trick me into marrying Leah after we had agreed for me to receive Rachel, why did you let my uncle change my wages multiple times when I was faithful and obedient to him, and why would you tell me 20 years ago that you would bring me back to my father again safely and now allow my brother to show with 400 soldiers ready to take my life. Now all of these comments might not be relative to you, but I’m sure that you have found yourself with some similar concerns. I believe that Jesus allowed Jacob to spend hours in this state of mind before he began to release some of his healing power. To understand what I’m saying you need to read Mark chapter 5 about the woman who had bled for 12 years until she touched the hem of Jesus’ robe. I believe that Jesus began to release healing power with each of Jacobs swings, and in the midst of Jacob grappling him with all of his physical strength. As healing power flowed from Jacob, his earlier comments turned into: God when I was running from my brother 20 years ago you covered when I didn’t know where I was going, or what I was doing, Lord I left my fathers house broke with nothing but a blessing and a promise from you, and now I return with 2 wives, 2 handmaidens, and 11 sons (Benjamin isn’t born yet, and he has 1 daughter, Dina, with Leah), my uncle attempted to rob, defraud, cheat, and exploit me during our entire relationship, but now I leave with more wealth than he acquired at my expense. I believe that as Jesus’ healing power flowed into Jacob, and softened his heart that those angry tears became tears of gratefulness, realizing the mercy, grace, and faithfulness that God had shown in the midst of his troubles. I believe that as Jesus realized the change of heart and realization in Jacob that he actually asked him, “do you want to let me go now?” It was in that moment that moment that Jacob replied, “I won’t let go until you bless me!” Earlier I said that Jacob experienced healing power from Jesus like the woman did in Mark chapter 5, in this later moment, I believe that Jacob foreshadowed the experiences of two of the apostles in later encounters with Jesus. Jesus question to Jacob, “Do you want to let me go,” is almost identical to his question to Peter in John 6:60-70; and his encounter with Thomas in John 20:24-29. Like he did with Peter, Jesus knows that we would be consumed and defeated by the devil and our own choices without his covering, yet he gives us the choice to choose him, when it’s really our only choice. Like Jesus did with Thomas, he humbled himself to allow Jacob to wrestle with him, voicing accusations, unbelief, confusion, anger, and rejection, even though Jesus is exactly who he says he is, and has fully upheld his commitments to us.

Reflection Time

What questions do you have for God? Where do you take your issues with God; do you take them to God in prayer, or do you accept popular opinion? I want you think about your past issues and struggles in life, and as you do that I want you to filter them through scripture, and the Holy Spirit so that it will be revealed to you how God was in the midst with you the entire time. Understand something, it doesn’t make the pain any less real just knowing that God is with you, but it can definitely help to address some of the damage in the midst, and the scarring that remains after the situation is over. Do you want to settle for a partial experience with God, or do you want to experience EVERYTHING that he has for you?

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