On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Should i turn back?

I would like to start a new series to discuss a feeling or decision that everyone including myself is faced with routinely, and that is whether to turn back. Life is a never-ending journey that each of us must travel individually and with company. Many of the battles that we face along the way aren’t physical, but are rather spiritual, and probably the most difficult of all, mental. To leave a place of comfort of even instability is difficult for people because regardless of how something is going, the familiar always seems safer than the unknown. In life, home is familiar, your current job is familiar, the current relationship is familiar, your childhood friends, and even your current thoughts/viewpoint is safe. When those things are challenged, or you hear the Holy Spirit either whisper or clearly tell you to move, what do you do? I plan to use a few individuals from scripture to show what happens when God sends you on a journey, and the challenges that those who we revere and use as encouragement even struggled in the face of change.

  • Noah
  • Abraham
  • Isaac
  • Jacob
  • Moses
  • Caleb
  • Ruth
  • David
  • Peter
  • Paul

In closing I would like to say that in my opinion the greatest or longest journey in the Bible is actually the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). His journey like ours was physical, mental, AND spiritual, where he had the option to turn back multiple times in each way….yet he chose to do that which was most difficult BUT best for his physical, mental, AND spiritual well being (see prodigal son series on this site).

Reflection Time

Have you turned back in life when God was telling you to move forward? Why? What would you change about it? In your current position do you feel equipped to respond to God’s call or directions now? What areas of your life do you need God’s help on improving/addressing?

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