On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Should you observe lent

Lent is a very interesting concept for the Christian church in that it is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible which makes it almost a purely man-made concept. I remember that as I was growing up in the Baptist church, the Lenten season was probably the most important time of the year as we prepared for an Easter play, memorized bible passages to present on Easter Sunday, and saved a quarter a day to fill a folder which we turned in on Easter Sunder along with tithes and offering. As a boy and even a teenager I usually gave up foods that I normally didn’t eat anyway, but it wasn’t until my freshman year of college that I truly had control of what I did for Lent. That year I gave up meats AND sweets (which was really a result of my not paying attention to the details because as a church each individual was asked to give up meats OR sweets) for Lent, and also read 4 Lent devotionals in the Youversion Bible app. From that point on I have continued fasting and observing lent for the past 11 years, and as Ash Wednesday nears in 5 days, I plan to fast and observe this year as well. My focus and motivation has changed over the years where at first it was just a tradition to do Lent but over the past few years I have shifted my focus on intentionally drawing closer to God, focusing my attention on his direction, fine tuning my ear to his voice, and opening my heart so that he can remove the hard places that prevent his love from entering it or pouring from it. Lent is less about what I “give up” in terms of food or video games, and more on the intentionality and discipline of doing what God commands/desires me to do. I feel that observing Lent and the practice of fasting from something(s) that distracts or prevents us from spending time with God, or operating fully in his will is a foundational piece of our Christian walk. I would challenge and welcome all believers to join the Lenten journey to a closer and stronger journey with Jesus.

Reflection Time

What does Lent mean to you? In what ways do you carry your cross? How is your life or walk most like Jesus? What are some things that you can do to improve your walk with Jesus?

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