On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Test Answers: Read 1st

We have all heard and even used different metaphors to explain life; “Life is a marathon, not a race”, “Life is one big stage”, “Life is a rollercoaster”, etc. Each of these can be true, but I like to think of life as a journey, one in which we will be faced with many trials, or storms, which if we keep the faith, we can prevail through each one. This section titled “Test Answers,” is where I will place bible verses that I have used, will use, and need to use during my own journey filled with difficulties. As we journey through life we have an obligation and responsibility to share our testitmonies with those that we come into contact with during our journey, whether they are a lifelong companion (spouse, family, lifelong/inner-circle friend), momentary companion (co-worker, associate, seasonal/temperory friend, mentee/protegee, etc), or just a passer-by, we will have the opportunity to bless, impact, or provide guidance for someone else’s journey. Important to understand is that we can’t obtain a testimony without going through a test. I think an aspect of tests that many people don’t understand or appreciate is the middle of the test, or phase of the test where you have to endure and keep moving. I think that even more important than surviving a test is that you make sure that you handle yourself appropiately during the test. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness in Matthew 4, Mark 1, and Luke 4, he resisted Satan’s attacks/lies with biblical word. Now you may say that this was easy because Jesus was the word;

1In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He existed in the beginning with God. 3God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. 4The Word gave life to everything that was created,1:3-4 Or and nothing that was created was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything. and his life brought light to everyone. 

John 1:1-4 NLT

which is true, but he was also fully man. When Satan attacked him during his time of prayer AND FASTING in the wilderness when Jesus the man would have been physically weak, he drew from his deposit of biblical scripture to rebuke/resist Satan’s attacks. Each of Jesus’ responses was scripture found in Deuteronomy (8:3, 6:13, 6:16), and the devil had no rebuttal for this because Jesus stood firmly on the word, and the word tells us:

7So submit to [the authority of] God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him] and he will flee from you. 

James 4:7 AMP

So I titled this section “Test Answers” because whenever the test and trials of life make come, I am sure and know from experience that as long as you stand firm on the word, the Lord will uphold you, and enable you to not only endure the test, but to emerge stronger and you won’t look like what you went through.

Reflection Time

What do you do when you are faced with difficulties, and going through tests/tribulations? What scriptures do you remind yourself of, speak over yourself, or share with others when the following storms are present: emotional pain, physical pain, financial troubles, relationship issues, death/separation, spiritual battles, etc? Take the time to read the word, and intentionally seek out scriptures relating to these and any other issues that you may be faced with. We don’t when any of these troubles with impact us or those closest to us, so it is important to be ready for when that day comes.

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