On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

What did god say to you?

One of the greatest struggles that many people have in their lifetime is in their quest for purpose or calling. Many people live their whole life searching for their purpose, and wondering “what am I supposed to be doing?” I believe that a large part of this confusion stems from people not spending the appropriate quality time with God to develop a relationship with him where they would be in position to hear from him, and receive direction/guidance. I believe an almost equally detrimental reason as to why people don’t hear from God is because they spend too much time listening to other people, or worse, trying to convince others of what God has revealed solely to them. God desires to be in relationship with us, much like a father with their child, or a romantic and/or platonic relationship. All relationships require quality time to get to know the other individual and learn how they operate. With God we have the ability to read and study his word, as well as pray and worship which provides us a direct line of communication with him. Even when we hear from him we then face the difficult task of standing firm in his word while waiting for it to come true…..especially when others doubt the validity/credibility of what we say/believe.

I want to begin a series titled “What did God say to you” where I’ll look at several individuals and passages from the Bible to analyze what God ACTUALLY said them to. With that I want to analyze how they interpreted/perceived God’s message, how others perceived God and/or them, and how we interpret those passages now. I hope that you’ll read, comment, and share these posts, in addition to reading the passages, and seeking God’s guidance/direction for yourself.

Reflection Time

What has God said to you? How did you respond to God’s message/directions for you? Do you believe that God has, or can speak to you? What role do other people play in your spiritual journey? Positive or negative? What does God need to do for your in order for you to believe in him, or follow his guidance?

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