On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

What did God say to you? Joseph pt2

9But Joseph dreamed still another dream, and told it to his brothers [as well]. He said, “See here, I have again dreamed a dream, and lo, [this time I saw] eleven stars and the sun and the moon bowed down [in respect] to me!” 10He told it to his father as well as to his brothers; but his father rebuked him and said to him [in disbelief], “What is [the meaning of] this dream that you have dreamed? Shall I and your mother and your brothers actually come to bow down to the ground [in respect] before you?” 11Joseph’s brothers were envious and jealous of him, but his father kept the words [of Joseph] in mind [wondering about their meaning].

Genesis 37:9-11 AMP

The story of Joseph is well known, however his beginnings are often overlooked. Many pastors and believers heavily study the part of his life where he was sold into slavery by his brothers, lied on by his master’s wife, and even forgotten by the chief cupbearer when he was released…..all before becoming the 2nd most powerful man in ALL of Egypt. I think its even more important to evaluate the beginnings of Joseph and what could have caused him to remain faithful to God in spite of the difficulties and tribulations he experienced over a 13yr period in his life.

At the age of 17, Joseph had 2 dreams l, the 1st of which was discussed in pt 1 and the 2nd is listed above. The 2nd dream was even greater than the 1st in that God used astrology to convey his message which was a powerful sign during the time given how people have used the stars, and celestial to find meaning in life. This 2nd dream was distinctive and larger than the 1st in that it involved his parents (the sun and moon) in addition to his 11 brothers bowing to him. This was unique in that God didn’t designate Joseph as the sun which showed that there was still respect, dignity, and authority in Israel (Jacob) whom God had chosen to be the patriarch of the 12 tribes, and was still living. It showed that even in Joseph’s calling/assignment, he would not and did not usurp Israel’s position. His brothers were still a part of this dream which would serve to reiterate and confirm that they would one day bow to Jospeh, and that he would be elevated above them.

Why would God show dreams of this magnitude to a 17 year old? I believe that God revealed this to Joseph at this time for 3 reasons:

  • God was revealing to Israel’s sons the hierarchy that he would later establish in their lifetime, that Joseph would one day be in a position of authority over them.
  • God was continuing his promise of blessing the earth and all humanity through the descendants of Abraham. He was designating Joseph as the leader/savior for that generation and upcoming trouble that nobody was aware of.
  • God was giving Joseph a preview/vision of what he would experience in life BEFORE he took him through the journey/test to receive it. I’ve said before that God either gives directions without a destination, or a destination with no directions; in this case he provided the latter to Joseph.

It was important for God to show these visions to Jospeh because he would need something to sustain him during his upcoming journey and tests. Yes, faith in God alone is enough to get you through tests, but there is something special about God giving you insight or a vision of what he has planned for you. In the case of Jospeh his entire world at the time was his family, so God showing him that his family would bow to him was significant because it was unfathomable at the time that the 2nd youngest of 12 sons (13 children overall) would have authority over the family, but even more importantly the fact that his brothers would bow to him after what they would later do to him in Genesis 37:18-36 would be even greater irony.

God IS faithful, and because he can swear by NOBODY or NOTHING greater than himself, he then is obligated to bring about his OWN plans that he reveals to his people. Though Joseph in his immaturity (my humble opinion) shares a personal message that God gave him with the rest of his family, the dream was never for them to know. Because of his immaturity and their jealousy, what should have been good news for Joseph AND the family, and at least a sign of God’s plan was instead met with hate, jealousy, and vengeance. Joseph’s dreams was simply God providing hope, encouragement, and favor/promise over Joseph’s life before he would experience events that could derail anyone’s life and cause them to lose faith/trust in God. I believe it was these dreams that sustained Joseph during his ordeals in Egypt, Potiphar’s house, the prison, and even Pharoah’s palace. It can be tough to remain faithful in the hardest of times, yet it is important to REMEMBER God’s promises, and word when you have NOTHING else to go off of. Keep the FAITH and remember his WORD/PROMISES!

Reflect Time

What has God said, revealed, or shown you? Have you remembered that, or have you lost your faith, hope, trust, or confidence in God during life’s ordeals and tests? Do you have an understanding of God’s word and promises? What do you need to ask/receive from God in order to restore or strengthen your faith and endurance? Read the Bible, increase your prayers, be honest with God about your struggles and questions, and have the faith and patience to hear his answers. Write down your thoughts, questions, doubts, and fears, but also remember and record your victories as evidence of God’s faithful in your life. Like Joseph you will need to know and remembered his word/promises for when life gets tough……because it will, but regardless of life’s circumstances, God is faithful to save and deliver HIS people.

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