On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

What did God say to you? Joseph pt3

1Now some time later, the cupbearer (butler) and the baker for the king of Egypt offended their lord, Egypt’s king. 2Pharaoh (Sesostris II) was extremely angry with his two officials, the chief of the cupbearers and the chief of the bakers. 3He put them in confinement in the house of the captain of the guard, in the same prison where Joseph was confined. 4The captain of the guard put Joseph in charge of them, and he served them; and they continued to be in custody for some time. 5Then the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt, who were confined in the prison, both dreamed a dream in the same night, each man with his [own significant] dream and each dream with its [personal] interpretation. 6When Joseph came to them in the morning and looked at them, [he saw that] they were sad and depressed. 7So he asked Pharaoh’s officials who were in confinement with him in his master’s house, “Why do you look so down-hearted today?” 8And they said to him, “We have [each] dreamed [distinct] dreams and there is no one to interpret them.” So Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell me [your dreams].”

Genesis 40:1-8 AMP

When we look at the whole story of Joseph, we should see some parallels in our lives. I firmly believe that God gives each one of us a promise/mission in life that can be revealed at any time during our lives, whether we have a relationship with him or not. HOWEVER, our ability to fully realize and experience that calling that he has on our life is dependent upon us developing a true relationship with him that is founded on love for God, and a study of his word. In the case of Joseph, which some of you may be similar to, God gave him a dream/vision as a young man (17 years old) that he did not understand, but was a preview of the glory that God would bring about as a result of the mission that he had for Joseph’s life. He gave Joseph a dream/vision of a destiny that he did not understand at the time that God revealed it to him, yet he did if so that Joseph would have something to believe in, hold on to, and remember for when the rest of life’s journey became difficult, and he might not feel, or see God in the midst of the troubles that he may be experiencing.

Fast forward to the verses above. We don’t know the amount of time that has passed since Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but after being lied on and betrayed by Potiphar’s wife, we now see that Joseph is in prison in Egypt. This passage begins with two of Pharaoh’s officials (his chief cupbearer and baker) who have been placed in prison due to Pharaoh being upset with them, each having dreams that they don’t understand. It would have been bad enough to be on Pharaoh’s bad side which could result in death, but insult to injury, they both have dreams that involve their former positions with Pharaoh that have entirely different meanings. Now fast forward to their encounter with Joseph on this morning, and Joseph notices that there is something off about each man’s countenance/demeanor from how they usually are. That is an important lesson for Christians that we shouldn’t be so concerned or bogged down in our own problems or situation that we don’t notice the pain or plight of others. Here Joseph is, betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, unjustly imprisoned, yet he still has a heart and is aware of the struggles and need for help/saving of others who don’t know God. It is because of this awareness, and I may add, peace, that Joseph is able to go about his duties in the prison, flourish, and spread the love of God to others who need. So Joseph notices their changed countenance/demeanor and here he takes the opportunity to offer the love of God, THROUGH the gift that God has given him which is to interpret dreams. I want you to understand the change of events that this passage introduces to us in that when we first saw Joseph in Genesis 38, he is a 17 year old teenager who has 2 dreams that he doesn’t understand, yet he immediately tells them to his family, which further increases the jealousy and animosity that already exists amongst his family. Fast forward to Genesis 40 and this same man is now about to interpret the dreams of two men that he doesn’t even know. The fact that God used dreams/visions to foretell his destiny, and now he is using dreams/visions to create a way out of prison for Joseph. As a youth he didn’t understand the meaning behind the dreams/visions which caused him to prematurely share God’s plan for him with individuals who didn’t understand God’s plan, and didn’t want to see him be elevated above them anymore than he already was by their father Israel (Jacob). As Joseph has journeyed through life, and I’d imagine strengthened his relationship with God along the way, I believe that God revealed and equipped him with great tools to successfully walk in his assignment/calling. This passage is the 1st time that we see Joseph using his gifts of interpretation, discernment, and wisdom which is actually what God had equipped him to do. Many people only look at Joseph as a dreamer because of the two dreams he had as a youth in Genesis 38, but it wasn’t until Genesis 40 that we actually begin to see part of what God had called him to do in his encounter with these two men. It’s interesting to see that the actual work that God had called Joseph to do, and the development of those skills happened in the dark outside of scripture and the sight of others. Its important that we don’t lose sight of God and fail to continue to cultivate that relationship with him that will allow him to enable us to fully realize and successfully execute his calling for our lives.

Reflection Time

What is God doing in your life behind the scenes? Have you realized or experienced some of the things that you dreamed about in the past, that have finally became reality? Are you aware or even care about the struggles or plight of others who may be experiencing troubles without the help of God? When was the last time that you took a moment and helped or encouraged someone else who wasn’t a family member or friend? Can, or have you remained faithful to God even during the difficult moments? I encourage you take a moment and think back or reflect on the promises of God for your life, write them down, write down what he’s completed, and what you are still praying for, and study his word to strengthen your faith to make it through the tough times.

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