On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

Why won’t you trust him?

22-24One day he and his disciples got in a boat. “Let’s cross the lake,” he said. And off they went. It was smooth sailing, and he fell asleep. A terrific storm came up suddenly on the lake. Water poured in, and they were about to capsize. They woke Jesus: “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
Getting to his feet, he told the wind, “Silence!” and the waves, “Quiet down!” They did it. The lake became smooth as glass.
25Then he said to his disciples, “Why can’t you trust me?”
They were in absolute awe, staggered and stammering, “Who is this, anyway? He calls out to the winds and sea, and they do what he tells them!”

Luke 8:22-25 MSG

During your journey with Jesus have you ever felt that he has fallen asleep while you have dealt with adversity? Have you experienced his love and peace during the good times, only to feel his silence when things started spiraling out of control? Several of the stories/passages in the gospels involve water, because water can represent uneasiness, trouble, unfamiliarity, unknown, and other adverse conditions because unlike land, water is constantly changing or shifting, typically due to external conditions. Our life or journey can be similar to a sea because from one moment to the next it can change with little to no warning. Jesus instructs the disciples to cross the lake because they had to reach the other side in order for him to continue his ministry. After a peaceful start, an un-expectant storm arises that threatens to overturn the boat, and possibly kill the disciples AND Jesus who is in the boat WITH them. As panic and worry settles in on the disciples they realize a troubling fact, Jesus is asleep!!! Lord, teacher, messiah, Son of God, how can you sleep while we struggle? Have you ever asked Jesus this question? Have you ever followed God’s instructions to the best of your ability only to experience adversity/obstacles/trouble afterwards and it seems like he isn’t even present to help you through it? Now you know how the disciples felt at this moment; Lord you told me to cross this lake, you entered the boat with me, but now you sleep as I struggle against strong winds (negative words), large waves (negative stereotypes, prejudices, man-made obstacles), and possibly heavy rain (negative thoughts) attack me from all sides. What is important from this passage is the response of the disciples, AND the response of Jesus. When the disciples were troubled and overwhelmed, 1st they tried what they knew to do or had done in the past. At least 4 of them (James, John, Peter, and Andrew) had been fishermen meaning that they had experience with trouble on the sea and had survived similar situations. When what they knew to do failed, they turned to the only person that they knew could change their situation, the one that had instructed them to get on the lake in the first place, Jesus. When you don’t know what to do, you should ALWAYS call on Jesus 1st, who is our Advocate, source of strength, and direction. They woke Jesus with their shouts (for us that can be prayers, singing, meditating on his word), and he acted according their request/need. Now Jesus’ response is important AND interesting because it is two-fold: he immediately calms the storm (wind and water) with three simple words, “Silence” and “Quiet Down.” Jesus unlike a regular friend or someone else in the situation doesn’t need a backstory, brief, or explanation in order to act, because he already knows where you’re at, and what’s going on before you even put your spin on it. Jesus acts and brings order immediately, but his next words are the most important;

“Why can’t you trust me?”

Why won’t you trust Jesus? He has proven himself to be faithful in every situation, which is evident by the fact that you’re still here. The fact that he instructed and called you to the particular situation is evidence that he can AND will ensure that you will complete it…..if you continue to trust him in the midst. Jesus is offended at our unbelief, lack of faith, and doubt because it can show that we still aren’t ready or willing to accept all that he has in store for us. Worse, when he continues to prove himself real and capable, we are left with the shame of our disbelief, and the need to evaluate why we didn’t believe in the first place.

Reflection Time

Why won’t/don’t you trust Jesus? In the midst of the storm, what do you do or have you done? Do you believe that Jesus is in the boat with you? If not, then where is he?

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