On The Banks of the Jordan

Are You Ready to Cross?

You wasn’t Abandoned, you were chosen

 3And now at just the right time he has revealed this message, which we announce to everyone. It is by the command of God our Savior that I have been entrusted with this work for him. 4 I am writing to Titus, my true son in the faith that we share.May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior give you grace and peace.Titus’s Work in Crete 5 I left you on the island of Crete so you could complete our work there and appoint elders in each town as I instructed you.

Titus 1:3-5

Have you ever had a mentor, coach, parent, advisor, etc that you trusted to put you in the right position, only to fail or face adversity after listening? Titus was an understudy of Paul along with Timothy, who traveled, studied, and followed Paul during his ministry. Here we see Paul writing a letter to Titus who had been directed to remain in Crete, to establish, maintain, or grow the church there. I can imagine that Titus had observed Paul 1st hand manage the emotions, behavior, disobedience, and immaturity of followers/believers, yet he didn’t know the burden or pain of leading people himself. I’m lead to believe by the beginning of this letter to Titus, that either Paul had heard of Titus’ frustration from others, or Titus had personally written a letter to him detailing his struggles with the people. When someone directed you to do something and you trust their guidance/direction, it is expected that you would reach back to them when things aren’t going as expected. Paul takes this moment to reassure his protege (Titus) that the adversity or disappointment that he is facing is of no fault of his own, and isn’t evidence of failure, or that Titus should quit; but rather that Titus was chosen or entrusted to lead the “church” in Crete. Paul because God had chosen him to take the message of Christ to Caesar in Rome, was unable to personally stay and “complete” his objectives in the cities and regions that he visited during his journey. Because Paul understood his ultimate destination and end, he prepared his proteges, understudies, etc to one day be able to lead the church and its people without his presence. This situation with Titus in Crete is a prime example of this, Paul didn’t recklessly leave an incapable young man in charge of the church in Crete, but rather he left a very capable and chosen “servant-leader” to finish establishing the church in Crete. Paul knew the heart, spirit, mind, and temperament of Titus in addition to his potential, and because of this he was confident in Titus’ ability to successfully complete the assignment left before him. This letter is and at least v5 is important for two reasons:

  1. Paul honestly discloses his reason for “leaving” Titus behind, which was to complete the work that Paul had started. It can be reassuring, and a motivational boost for your protege to hear a vote of confidence from the person they respect and look up to. Paul aware of Titus’ need to hear why he’s in his current situation seizes the opportunity to affirm this young man and provide the encouragement that he needs to continue his assignment.
  2. Titus like many of us in his position makes the right decision to seek answers from the person that he feels is responsible for his current predicament. Titus contacting and asking Paul for the reason that he has been left in Crete shows the trust and respect that he has for his teacher, which allows him to accept the answer that he receives in love. You have to be aware of who you choose to follow and make sure that both you AND them are hearing from God when you choose to move. Choosing the right mentor is important because it WILL affect your decisions, confidence, and even your effectiveness if you choose to follow, or allow yourself to be manipulated by the wrong person/example.

Reflection Time

Have you felt left behind or abandoned by a trusted mentor, or even by God? What has been or was your response to the situation? Do you feel equipped or prepared to complete the assignment you’ve been given for this year, season, or your life? What do you need to hear or see for you to have the confidence to continue AND complete what God has called you to do?

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